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Women During The War

Women contributed and survived so much during the Revolution, they also deserve to be listed as Patriots

The Provision State

Colonial Clothes Making

During the Revolution, each town was responsible for providing clothing for their troops. This was the biggest job for women at the time, both making and donating. Socks, mittens, blankets, shirts, coats, overalls, breeches, and shoes were all needed. Women of the town got together by day and by firelight to spin wool, weave the yarn, and in some cases made shirts and coats in just one day. Women also had to be in charge of the farms when their husbands were at war. Connecticut became known as the “Provision State" of the Revolution, providing not just clothing, but the food for the army as well. 


Women also suffered greatly from British raids. Many towns in Connecticut were violently destroyed, houses burnt, livestock killed, property stolen. Women and their families being alone, they were abused and had to leave their homes. The raid on New London and Groton in 1781 was especially traumatic for the wives of the soldiers who lived near Fort Griswold. Many had to evacuate with only things they could carry, and without their husbands.

Women After Battle

Of course we want to recognize the brave and selfless soldiers in battle,

but women during the Revolution were some of the most brave and selfless of all.

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